Frequently Asked Questions

+      How can we book our event?

Please click "here" and give us all the details of your event. We will be in touch with you soon!

+      How long does it takes us to set up?

It takes us 1 hour to set-up and be ready to go! 

+      Can you set-up earlier? 

It takes us 1 hour to set up, but if you would like us arrive earlier you can add The Idle hour fee. The Idle hour means that the booth is set-up but not in use. You can also add an idle hour fee during dinner and toasts so you don't loose on  booth time. 

+      Is Set-up and Breakdown included in the packages?

Yes, Set-up and breakdown is included in every package!

+      How much space do you need for set-up? 

We would like a 10x10x10 space to be comfortable but we can also set-up in a minimum of 9x6x9. 

+      Can we Add a scrapbook to our package? 

Yes, you are able to add a scrapbook to your package so you can keep all your paper copies. We print an extra paper copy and place it in your scrapbook and ask guests to write a note next to the photo! 

+      Can we keep a copy of every print from our event?  

Yes! Just let us know upon booking!  

+      Do we receive digital copies of the photos?

Yes, every package includes a digital Gallery of all your photos.

+      Can we be set-up outside? 

Yes, we can be set-up outside only if we are protected from bad weather. We would have to be under a tent or some type of cover.

+      Does our booth have filters? 

Our booth is so much fun and you can choose white and black or color photos. This is an add on so ask upon booking! 

+      Do we offer Social Media Integration? 

Yes, guests can upload the photos to social media and text themselves the photos during your event. We required Wifi for this feature. 

+      Can we do a green screen?  

Yes we can do a green screen to fit your theme or just have some fun! If you would like the green screen you can add it or we can quote you for your event.

+      Do you provide GIF? 

We certainly do! This feature is only digital.